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Jazz Ireland Blog
Welcome to the Jazz Ireland blog, your go-to source for news, reviews, and stories from the Irish jazz scene. From album releases to artist interviews and event highlights, we celebrate the musicians and moments shaping jazz in Ireland. Stay tuned for fresh insights and deep dives into the music we love!
Tales from the far Side 27.05.21 A short Story of Polish Jazz

On this edition I explore the exciting development of Polish Jazz, from its underground years after the Second World War to its innovations in the 21st Century with music by Tomasz Stanko, Krzysztof Komeda, Krzysztof Popek, Milosc, Leszec Mozdzer, Kuba Wiecek, Marcin Wasilewski and others.

TALES FROM THE FAR SIDE is live on air on CRC102.9fm and on every Thursday 8-9 pm with a repeat on Saturday 9-10 pm. And there is a podcast of the show available on the web site all through the week. The show has established itself over the years with a small but devoted listenership (even beyond Jazz-fans) and since the introduction on internet the listenership extended nationally and internationally.