Liv Monaghan “Feathers” Video Release

Paris based, Irish vocalist and songwriter, Liv Monaghan, has released a music video for her song, Feathers, from her latest album, Slow Exhale.

The film is a collaboration with Artistic Director, Helen Cusack O’Keeffe and Cinematographer, Kris Tagupa. Following on from Dead Lady’s Cigarettes, this marks her second music video collaboration with Tagupa.

The song, inspired by a real event, takes us on a journey back to childhood, where a tiny fallen bird takes up residence in a little boy’s life.

The song has been praised for its elegant sound, and for the impressive display of technique from the accompanying musicians.

In the video, shot in locations in the 9th arrondissement of Paris, we see how director Helen Cusack O’Keeffe playfully threads the childlike imagery and sentiment in the song through in her visual choices and creations.

Feathers, petals and twirls aplenty - this video features mostly original handmade creations by a variety of artists including Cusack O’Keefe and Kerrie O’Brien.

More Information about Liv


Buy the Album "Slow Exhale" on Jazz Ireland

Red Keane
Author: Red KeaneWebsite:
Red is the founder and creator of Jazz Ireland, he actively maintains and develops the Jazz Ireland website and is very active on its social networking profiles.
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