He was born in 1926 and lived to be just 98 years old, having played in public well into his 80s. Donaldson was an alto saxophonist who began his...
Jazz Mine No. 144 Saturday 3rd February 2018
Jazz Mine No. 232 Saturday 2nd November incl. Sergio Mendes
Jazz Mine No. 280 Saturday 14th. November 2020 with your host Sean Brophy
Jazz Mine. No. 279 Saturday 7th. November 2020 with Sean Brophy
Tales from the far Side 13.01.22 Improvisations around a Jazz Waltz
Tales from the far Side 18.06.20 Summertime and the livin' is easy-a Jazz Summer Celebration
Tales from the far Side 21.02.19 Jazz Waltzes: Fascinating music in 3/4 time and beyond
Tales from the far Side 26.03.20 Some other Spring - Jazz as encouragement
Tales from the far Side 29.07.21 Jazz at a hot Irish Summer Day